Rhythms Within: Embodied Cyclical living

A 6-week Initiation in menstrual cycle awareness using somatic movement & herbs

Does this sound like you?

You have moods swings, or a challenging menstrual cycle

The rollercoaster of emotions & changes are affecting your life and you want to find a way to understand, connect & heal your cycle.

You feel disconnected from your body & yourself

You struggle to know what you really want in life, you find decisions difficult, you find it hard to connect with others as you don’t really know yourself. You want to feel more connected to your intuition, your inner strength & your authenticity so you can move towards a life that feels truly aligned, with a circle of friends who truly know you & a deep connection to yourself, your body & your purpose.

You feel like you’re in a cycle of emotional turbulence, endless task-lists and burn-out.

You struggle to find a rhythm in a world where you are expected to be constantly productive & find yourself getting lost in never ending to-do list and never having time to tune into yourself & keep aligning to where you want to be going.

Now imagine this

Your menstrual cycle is no longer a source of pain and mystery.

You no longer question if you are crazy of something is wrong because you have a deep understanding of the physical, emotional and spiritual changes happening in each phase.

You know how to use herbs, food & somatic movement to care for yourself in each phase & can now use the gifts of each phase to your benefit.

You are deeply connected to yourself, your intuition & your authenticity & this has helped you make decisions to move towards a life that feel truly aligned with who you are and where you want to go.

You live in tune with you cycle and now your inner rhythm guides you on when to build new ideas, when to be productive and proactive, when to relfect & when to rest, vision & nourish yourself.

You use herbs & somatic movement to support you truly embodying each phase.

You are connected to a group of women who see, understand and care for you.

Rhythms Within: Embodied Cyclical Living
One time
  • This is not just an experience for 6 weeks but a learning that can guide you for life & recording to return to any time you need to reconnect to yourself, you future & these practices


6 Live Community Calls

Each call will be 2 hrs of connection, education & embodiment practices. Every Thursday evening 7pm-9pm from the 24th October.

Week 1: Welcome & Introduction

Week 2: Inner Winter

week 3: Inner Spring

Week 4: Inner Summer

Week 5: Inner Autumn

Week 6: Reflection & iIntegration

Weekly Inner Season Practices

As we explore the different inners each week you have tool & practices to truly embody each phase.

  • Each week these include:

  • Herbal allies (sent in a herbal kit after week 1)

  • Somatic movement session a playlist

  • Yoga Nidra

Inner Rhythms Guidebook

This ebook will contain guidance, journal prompts & resources to support each inner season as we journey through the weeks.

A community of women

A community of women to connect & share this experience with. Each call will allow time for sharing & connection to better know yourself & each other.

Discover Your Inner Rhythm

Rhythms Within: Embodied Cyclical Living
One time

A 6-week Initiation in menstrual cycle awareness using somatic movement & herbs.

Meet your guides

Emilia Jane

I disliked my period for the first ten years I had one and took contraception to avoid experiencing the discomfort, pain and inconvenience.

In my early twenties, I had an instinct that I wanted to have a menstrual cycle again so I came off contraception. When it returned it was uncomfortable and hugely painful - one time I called an ambulance as I thought I was dying.

I took painkillers to get on with normal life but alongside this, I started tracking when I would bleed. I learnt to track my cycle and began to plan my life around it. As I understood my body more, I had confidence in my experiences and what I needed throughout my cycle.

For 15 years I struggled with complex PTSD and anxiety. Gaining confidence in my body, how to listen to it and support it through menstrual cycle awareness - was one of the biggest contributors to my recovery.

My other biggest support was plants - working with native herbs to support my physiological and emotional health has been life-changing.

I’m a folk herbalist and intuitive herbalist apprentice with a focus on women’s health and a passion for empowering you to learn native plants you can identify or grow, harvest and use to support your health.

Florence Seck

From the age of 16 I suffered with severe period pain that would make me pass out. I had an irregular cycles, gut issues, awful mood swings & energy dips that used to leave me either hangry or literally crying at the tiniest thing because I was so overwhelmed.

It wasn’t till I found nutritional therapy, spend 4 years training, many hours self experimenting suddenly I had energy, I could focus, my gut healing, my cycles were better & my mood more stable.

Things were so much better I still struggled with other parts of my life.

Not finding my purpose, feeling disconnected from my peers, lacking trust in myself, struggling to make decisions and getting so stuck in a work- loops I would get burn out.

Then I discovered Menstrual cycle awareness. Now I had the tools to combine the science & physiological understanding found in nutritional therapy, with the intuitive, rhythmic, body knowing from my cycle.

Now I have my own inner rhythm, I’m connected to my intuitions, my purpose, my authenticity, I create friends ships with ease because I know myself and my body so deeply that anxieties and worries no longer take hold of me.

Now I help women on this same path, support your female physiology with nutrition & lifestyles, releasing stress & tension with somatic movement & embodying your most authentic, empowered self through menstrual cycle awareness.

What people are saying about us

Feminine Flow* helped motivate me to make health a priority again, but I’ve found it to be more than a health tool- it’s helping me connect with other woman and myself in a deeper way.

*now Deliciously Nourished

— Maya

“I have gone from having horrendously painful periods and regular breakouts to even forgetting that my period is coming up as I don’t have any PMS symptoms anymore and the pain itself has reduced So much so much love and gratitude for Florence”

— Charlotte

“A beautiful exploration into learning about the wisdom of our wombs and how best to harness that power and knowledge to help us flourish and feel more connected with ourselves, with each other and the natural world”

—Emily Ashworth


What is Somatic Movement?

It is a practice of breath, movement & dance to release stress & tension & bring you into a deep emdodied state of presence

What if I don’t have a menstrual cycle

If you do not have a cycle you can instead use the phases of the moon as your inner rhythm & we will explore this in the course.

How will you account for us all being in different phases of our cycles?

The course will run in line with the moon cycle so we can all use this rhythm together & after the live course is complete you can use the recordings within your own inner rhythm

What if I can’t make a live call?

All calls are recorded & put in the nourishing library

Find Your Rhythms within