My Story
My health journey began when I was 13. I struggled with bladder infections, gut issues, anxiety, tooth infections, I felt like there was always something and I over-analysed my health constantly.
Then one day as I was lying in bed, curled around a hot water bottle feeling feint and sick from severe period pain I suddenly realised that despite the years of overanalysing my health I had never once questioned my cycle. I had grown up in a world where it is just expected and normalised that periods are difficult and that we, as women should just get on with it and not complain.
I suddenly realised how mad that was and I began to delve into the world of Women’s Health and discovered that every month we have a direct indictor of how our health has been that month.
Months when I wasn’t taking care of myself I got a bad period, when I was, it was easy. I used the symptoms and signs of my body, combined with hours of research to fine-tune my period, my cycle and with it came my health.
I had finally stopped just surviving and felt like I was thriving.
Once I had opened the jar of worms it seemed everyone had a story to tell of pain, irregularity, infertility, PMS, PMDD, and with it came stories of other health issues. At first they seemed unlinked but what I quickly learnt was that a difficult period is a sign of imbalance and if there is imbalance in the cycle, there will be imbalance elsewhere in the body.
I knew I had found my calling and that by supporting women with their period health, I would also be supporting women towards feeling radiant in themselves.
Training & Qualifications
The first year of nutritional therapy training is biomedicine: a full year where we delve deep into every body system, we learn the biochemical pathways for thousands of functions, we learn how they work and what can go wrong.
As a prerequisite I did a year foundation in biomedical sciences and with this solid back ground in science I went on to tutor biomedicine students. From learning to teaching, it’s safe to say I know and love the intricacies of how the body works.
Access to Science and Biomedical Sciences (2017-2018)
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy diploma (2018-2021 )
Health coaching for Nutrition professionals(2022)
Somatic Movement Coach (2023)
Ongoing professional development including: Women’s Health and Hormone Summit, Functional test training days, personal academic research.